ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO

Global Election

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Global Vote results
tallied by Kent Crispin, the Independent Teller

26 October 2000

Final results for ccTLD global election are as follow:

total ballots: 95
ballots with fewer than 3 votes: 41

Votes per candidate:

61: I vote for Peter de Blanc
56: I vote for Elisabeth Porteneuve
43: I vote for Oscar Alejandro Robles Garay
30: I vote for Stafford Guest
27: I vote for Yann Kwok Kem Yen
 4: I do not want to vote for any candidate

Votes by region:

18: AF
30: AP
25: EU
16: LA
 6: NA

voted 2 or more times: 6 (counted last vote)
old ballots for regional election: 5 (rejected)
write-in candidate: 1 (rejected)
ballots without trailing "END__" line: 1 (fixed)
email with two ballots with different contents: 1 (rejected)

Administrative Committee members have endorsed that the votes have been correctly counted by our independent teller, Kent Crispin.

Hence, Administrative Committee members confirmed the Names Council Election results that Peter de Blanc, Elisabeth Porteneuve and Oscar Alejandro Robles Garay will be our Names Council to represent ccTLD Constituency for the term of two years. Stafford Guest and Yann Kwok Kem Yen will be alternates.

The complete record of this election will be posted on the web site in a few days.

In the name of AdCom members, we would like to express our appreciation to Kent Crispin for being our independent teller and for his distinguished work. We also would like to thank all of cctld managers who participate in this election. We are looking forward to more collaboration and participation in the future.

Hope to see you all in Marina del Rey, California, USA.

Best regards,

Abhisak Chulya and Kanchana Kanchanasut
Interim ccTLD Secretariat

© ccTLD Constituency
Page updated : 2000-10-28 00:59:01