ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO


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Notification to the DNSO Names Council

28 October 2000

From: (Patricio Poblete)
Subject: ccTLD constituency election results
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 15:55:47 -0300 (CDT)

Dear Names Council members:

The ccTLD Constituency has conducted an election on October 2000 to elect three Names Council to represent ccTLD Constituency in the DNSO Names Council. We would like to officially inform all the DNSO Names Council members of the results: Peter de Blanc (North America), Elisabeth Porteneuve (Europe), and Oscar Alejandro Robles Garay (Latin America) will serve as DNSO Names Council to represent the ccTLD Constituency for the term of two years.

The Administrative Committee members have endorsed the election results and verified that the votes have been correctly counted by the independent teller. The complete results have been published including the voting ballots known to each voting registry.

It has been a pleasure working with the Names Council during the past year. Best wishes for all of you!

Patricio Poblete

© ccTLD Constituency
Page updated : 2000-11-06 14:05:36