ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO

Voting Procedures - Election for the Names Council

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Basic Outline of the Voting Process for the Global Election

11 September 2000

  1. A ballot is prepared.

    A ballot starts with line "BEGIN" and ends with line "END__".

    It is like this:

     I am authorised to vote on behalf of : (Registry)
       [ ] I vote for NAME OF CANDIDATE X (Africa Region)
       [ ] I vote for NAME OF CANDIDATE Y (Asia-Australia-Pacific Region)
       [ ] I vote for NAME OF CANDIDATE Z (Europe Region)
       [ ] I vote for NAME OF CANDIDATE W (Latin America and Caribbean Region)
       [ ] I vote for NAME OF CANDIDATE U (North America Region)
  2. Ballot is assigned a number, here "b02" in lines BEGIN and END__ -- ballot number 02.
  3. Ballot is personalized. BEGIN and END__ lines indicate who is voting.
  4. The third field, here between "b02" and "FirstName_LastName", indicates a personalized code given for this ballot to this person. A personalized code is 6 characters, starting with "K", ending with "Z", here "KabcdZ". With your personalized code your vote will remain secret and you will be able to check on the website if it were correctly recorded.
  5. Write your name in the line below BEGIN.
  6. Put an "X" between square brackets [ ] if you give your vote to a candidate. You shall select 3 candidates. Your reply shall include the whole ballot, BEGIN and END__
  7. Name of region will be filled in automatically for each voter.
  8. In Global election you cast three (3) votes, no more.
  9. You shall reply from the official IANA email address, which has been copied on this ballot in lines BEGIN and END__.
  10. A ballot will arrive from: "" -- please reply without CC to any list.
  11. You will receive an acknowledge of your ballot within 48 hours.
  12. Time for the Global Election vote (14 days)
    o        Begins: Thursday 12 October 2000 12:00 UTC
    o        Ends: Wednesday 25 October 2000 12:00 UTC
  13. Voting Registries for combined and separated regions are stored at ../rolls/.

© ccTLD Constituency
Page updated : 2003-07-22 17:24:16