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[cctld-adcom] Re: Money has been transferred/Final Account

> From: "Abhisak Chulya" <abhisak@wwtld.org>
> To: "Nigel Roberts" <nigel@nic.gg>,
>         "Elisabeth Porteneuve" <Elisabeth.Porteneuve@cetp.ipsl.fr>,
>         "cctld-adcom list" <cctld-adcom@wwtld.org>
> Subject: Money has been transferred/Final Account
> Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 17:00:47 +0700
> Dear Elisabeth, Nigel and all,
> I have finalized ccTLD Sec account as follow:
> Attached file 1: Balance Sheet by BK Kim from May 2001 - Dec 2002.  This one
> was prepared by BK Kim.
> Attached file 2: Balance Sheet by Abhisak from Dec 2002 - Mar 2003.  This
> one I prepare.
> Itemized details have been shown in both attached files.  The final balance
> is 5107.55 USD which has already been transferred today to an account set up
> by Elisabeth and Nigel.  If you have any questions, please let me know.
> Also I will shut down wwtld.org server on 31 Aug 2003.
> Regards,
> Abhisak

Dear Abhisak,

Thank you for providing the spreadsheet files.

I note the wwtld.org and its mailing lists will close of 31 August 2003,
and that service is not offered but being paid by the ccTLD.

Below are questions or observations regarding provided accounting
spreadsheets. Some of them are probably also to BKK, whom I add in cc.


In 2000 the following equipments have been purchased (all amounts in $US)

   60 Equipment Laptop A.Chulya, 91,000 Baht    $2,167
   61 Equipment Printer Name Card, 7,300 Baht     $174

cf. http://www.ccwhois.org/funds/200107.ccTLD-expenses-by-category.html

In 2001 and 2002:
   Jun-01 LCD projector                         $2,000
   Jul-01 Laptop                                $2,500
   Oct-01 Hardware upgrade for notebook           $987.36
   Nov-02 wwtld server in Bangkok               $1,469.42
cf. BKK spreadsheet for May2001 to Dec2002 and BKK PPT presentations.

It make a total of $9296,78.

We need to get back the above hardware equipment, i.e. 2 Laptops 
(SYY and Abhisak), one PC server (wwtld), wireless cards and the 
LCD projector.

Action A: Please indicate where each of the equipments are currently
stored and what is prefered method to get them back to the AdCom for
the future Secretariat.

BKK accounting

Well done.
See Action A above for equipment if any in Korea.
As a general comment for the future I think it is preferable the AdCom
adopts accounting system allowing to have staff cost (travels 
to meetings and accomodation) separated from meeting cost.

AC accounting

With regards to provided accounting, I have following observations:

1. I do not accept the amount of $1000 per month for Dec 2002
   to March 2003 "Server Hosting and Maintainance", because those 
   were quoted on Rio Secretariat report on the basis of $500. 
   That is 4 times $500 too much. The text of slides 4 and 5 from 
   Rio Secretariat summary is attached.

Action B: Please reimbourse $2,000.

2. What is the expense of $1275 for Mar-03 DNS training cost? 

Action C: Please provide details concerning the above expenditure.

The cost of Taipei IDN meeting room in Feb 2003 of $1311.43 
should have been indicated on the summary provided by the Secretariat 
for Rio presentation.

The telephone bills are extremely high, $1000.61 per 4 months,
far above usual Secretariat expenses and even standard business
office expenses (BKK spreadsheet indicates $762.94 for 19 months).

First Year's Budget Status
(May 2001 - Nov 2002)
Reported by BK Kim
Income (total: US $ 183,920.89)
   - donation by ccTLDs and at the gate: US $104,282.48
    - sponsors for meetings: US $79,500.46
    - Interim ccTLD Sec (Elisabeth Porteneuve): US $670 
    - Bank interest: US $137.95
Expenses (total: US $ 158,964.51)
   - staff salary: US $62,756
    - meeting expenses: US $81,361.60
    - equipments: US $6,069.42
    - DNSO contributions via ccTLD secretariat: US $3,356.5
    - ICANN contributions via ccTLD secretariat: US $470 
    - Bank fee: US $900.47
    - Others: US $122.25
Budget Status
from Dec 2002 - Feb 2003)
Reported by Abhisak Chulya
Balance carried forward US $24,956.38
Income (total: US $ 35.51)
   - Bank interest: US $35.51
Expenses (total: US $ 16,177.88)
   - staff salary: US $9,500
    - Taipei expenses: US $1997.48
    - Maintenance: US $1,500
    - Accommodation and Airfare (Eric) US $2,427
    - Phone Bill: US $576.53
    - Bank fee: US $81.54

Kind regards,
Elisabeth Porteneuve
cctld-adcom mailing list

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